Minggu, 19 Januari 2014

Future aircraft, Capacity 700 Passengers

Future aircraft, Capacity 700 Passengers
AWWA Sky Whale, future aircraft (Photo: News)
This odd-shaped aircraft would probably be the best that you deliver pleasure in the future. Shaped like a whale, this high-tech aircraft and the size is very large.

The design of future aircraft with AWWA name Sky Whale was designed by Spanish designer Oscar Vinals. Its size will be larger than the Airbus A380 aircraft and high-tech.

According to the designer, this aircraft will have three levels of the cabin, and can seat 755 passengers. Three separate levels of this cabin class cabin, which is in the first class cabin top, business class and economy class cabin in the middle of the bottom.

Although large, the aircraft able to bend with the agile, and can fly tilted up to 45 degrees. Uniquely, when the plane crashed, fuselage sections will be separated from the wing aircraft, which is expected to minimize casualties.

Wing aircraft measuring 88 meters long while the plane itself is 77 meters. Unfortunately, not all of the passenger seats in the cabin will have a window, and instead there will be a virtual screen that shows different views, such as quoted from the News, Sunday (01/19/2014).

The aircraft will also be more efficient in the fuel, because the use of hybrid electric turbo engine, so it is also expected to be environmentally friendly.

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