Rabu, 22 Januari 2014

Guides Climbing Mount Everest (Sherpa "Tenzing Norgay")

Tenzing Norgay a native of Nepal who served as a guide for mountaineers wishing to climb Mount Everest . Tenzing Norgay became the guide ( the call nepal Sherpa ) for Sir Edmund Hillary . On May 29, 1953 at 11:30 , Tenzing Norgay along with Sir Edmund Hillary conquered the summit of Mount Everest at an altitude Top 29.028 feet above sea level and became the first person in the world who later became the inspiration and encouragement for the hundreds of climbers next to follow their achievements . In the span of 1920 to 1952 , seven expedition team
failure trying to conquer Everest .

The success of Sir Edmund Hillary at that time was phenomenal considering the end of World War II novel and becomes a sort of inspiration to restore the confidence of the whole nation in the world . Because of its success , Sir Edmund Hillary get a knighthood from the Queen of England who had recently been appointed at the time of Queen Elizabeth II and became one of the most recognized worldwide .

But behind the success of Tenzing Norgay it has a very big role , Tenzing Norgay why not become famous and get all obtained by Sir Edmund Hillary when he is the guide that helps and attains Puncuk Mount Everest ? Supposedly he could have been the first to set foot on the summit of Mount Everest instead of Sir Edmund Hillary .

Shortly after Sir Edmund Hillary Tenzing Norgay back together from the top of Mount Everest , the world scrambling nearly every reporter interviewed Sir Edmund Hillary , and only one reporter who interviewed Tenzing Norgay , the following excerpts :

Reporter : How do you feel with the success of conquering the highest mountain peaks in the world ?

Tenzing Norgay : Very happy too.

Reporter : Andakan a Sherpa ( guide ) to Edmund Hillary , of course, the position you are in front of him , should not you be the first to set foot on the summit of Mount Everest ?

Tenzing Norgay : Yes , that's right , when staying one step to the top, I 'll let him ( Edmund Hillary ) to set foot and became the first person in the world to successfully conquer the highest peak in the world ....

Reporter : Why did you do it ? ? ?

Tenzing Norgay : That's why the DREAM Edmund Hillary , not my dream ..... I dream only managed to help and deliver him achieve his DREAM .

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