Sabtu, 18 Januari 2014

Indonesia, the lost continent of Atlantis

Greatest controversies in the history of human civilization , it seems now beginning to unfold. Continent of Atlantis as mentioned Plato , the Greek philosopher , in his book Timaeus and Critias about 2500 years ago , from the standpoint of geological and scientific speculation today , it is probably the Sunda Land , which we now know as Western Indonesia ( Java , Sumatra and Borneo ) to peninsular Malaysia and Thailand . Continent of Atlantis is referred to as the beginning of human civilization . Its people have a superior high culture and nation . But it has sunk continent for thousands of years due to various natural disasters .

Interestingly , until now not known with certainty where the actual location of the continent of Atlantis ? From the geological standpoint , it is very likely the location of Atlantis is precisely at the level of the Sunda .... !
" The lost civilization of Atlantis " until now perhaps just a myth considering the finding of strong evidence of its existence . The myth was first coined by a famous Greek philosopher , Plato ( 427-347 BC ) , in his book " Critias and Timaeus " . Mentioned by Plato that there are early civilization called Atlantis Continent ; inhabitants regarded as gods , extraterrestrials , or superior nation ; continent was later lost , sinking slowly because of a series of disasters , including earthquakes . But from the standpoint of the present geological , Atlantis was very probably the Sunda Land . For more than 2000 years , the lost Atlantis has become a fairy tale . But since the Middle Ages ( mid century ) , the story of Atlantis became popular in the Western world . Many Western scientists secretly believe the possibility of its existence .

The contemporary researchers pointed Sundaland ( Indonesia to the western part of the peninsula of Malaysia and Thailand ) as the lost continent of Atlantis and the beginning of human civilization . Phenomenon of the early civilizations of Atlantis and always a dream of researchers in the world to prove and make scientific discoveries of all time .
Sundaland region , western part of Indonesia in the book Santos (2005 ) According to Plato , Atlantis was a continent that is lost due to the volcanic eruption which erupted simultaneously and the melting of the ice layer at that time most of the continent is covered by ice layers . So most of the continent sank .
Santos argues that the eruption of the volcano decades portrayed simultaneously on the territory of Indonesia ( first ) . Volcanic eruption is in between eruptions of Mount Meru in South India , the volcanic eruption in Sumatra which formed Lake Toba , and the eruption of Mount Semeru / Mahameru in East Java . The most devastating eruptions in the future is the eruption of Mount Tambora in Sumbawa that breaks the parts of the island in Nusa Tenggara and Mount Krakatau ( Krakatoa ) which breaks part of Sumatra and Java forming the Sunda Strait.

In contrast to Plato , Santos did not agree on the location of Atlantis is considered located in the Atlantic ocean . Brazilian scientists have argued , that the various volcanic eruptions cause permafrost to melt and flow into the ocean so that the extent of increase . Water and mud volcano ash coming from the ocean and basically overload resulting in tremendous pressure on the earth's crust to the ocean floor , particularly on the coast of the continent. This pressure resulted in an earthquake . This earthquake reinforced by mountains in a row then erupted and caused devastating tsunami waves . Santos named Heinrich Events .
However , there are circumstances present that between Plato and Santos agreed : first , that the location of the sunken continent of Atlantis and by Santos confirmed as the territory of the Republic of Indonesia . Second , the number or length of the chain of volcanoes in Indonesia , among these : Kerinci , Gutters , Krakatoa , Malabar , Galunggung , Pangrango , Merapi , Merbabu , Semeru , Bromo , Supreme , Rinjani . Most of the mountain that has been or is being active again .
In an effort to express opinions , looks Plato has conducted two oversight , first about the shape / position of the earth which he said flatly . Second , the location of which is said to be the continent of Atlantis in the Atlantic Ocean are opposed by Santos . Research by experts in the United States Atlantic region proved unable to find traces of the lost continent . Therefore there is not arbitrary proverb that says , " Amicus Plato , sed magical amica veritas . " It means , " I am pleased to Plato , but I am more than happy to truth . " Atlantis is indeed mysterious , and therefore became one of the main goals of archeology in world . If Atlantis is found , then the invention can be will be one of the greatest inventions of all time .

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