Senin, 20 Januari 2014

Most beautiful beaches "Tanjung Kelayang"-Belitung Island, Indonesia

Most beautiful beaches "Tanjung Kelayang"-Belitung Island, Indonesia
Tanjung Kelayang is one of the most beautiful beaches in the Pacific , coastal recreation center periodically in the boat flown by hundreds of foreign yachts in the Sail Indonesia event . This place is also a tourist port used to do island hopping tour the most demanding tourists who come to Belitung . This beach is located 27 kilometers north of town Tanjungpandan .

Most beautiful beaches "Tanjung Kelayang"-Belitung Island, Indonesia

Tanjung Kelayang already known by local people as a place of recreation since the first . The most interesting sights is a small island formed by large granite rocks located approximately 300 meters from the beach end . Shape of a bird 's head like a rock , that's what makes this place name as Tanjung Kelayang , where Kelayang is the name of a type of bird . Residents around calling stone shaped like a bird 's head with a more distinctive name is Stone Garuda .
Most beautiful beaches "Tanjung Kelayang"-Belitung Island, Indonesia

Here you can see pictures of the Cape Kelayang . To enlarge , click the small photo to the right , main picture will change as a small photo on click . If your internet speed is slow , please wait for a transition due to a large enough size photo around 150kb . Here's the interesting thing about the Cape Kelayang :
Kalayang famous promontory overlooking the beach where there is a small granite island , approximately 100 meters from the beach . Granite island 's shape looks like a bird . That's what makes this place called Cape Kelayang ( one of the names of birds that can be found there ) . The size of the small island of approximately 50 square meter . Looks beautiful , as you can see in the main photo on this page .

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