Rabu, 22 Januari 2014

The story of Che Guevara's life journey

The story of Che Guevara's life journey
His figure known to many people , but most only a few people know about his amazing journey . This is not accidental . Che's life is a story about a commitment to fight all the values that led capitalist consumer society . His figure raises a courage , foster a spirit of rebellion on the chest of the people around the world . Not able to bury the sentiment , capitalist enterprise approach to utilize and modify it , and also by the way they were trying to defuse it . That goal has not been achieved until now .

 Youth, Ernesto " Che " Guevara was an adventure and exploration . Although he grew up in affluent families in Argentina and studied in the field of medicine , he spent much of his time to surround Latin America

When graduating from the Faculty of medicine , Che left Argentina , pretending to go to work on leprosy patients in Venezuela . She is really looking for in-depth answers to these questions are disturbing feelings . In his oddysey  to see the misery and squalor which became a daily sight in Latin America . Can a doctor treat all these patients ?

 In 1953 the political turmoil in Guetemala . In 1950 a military commander of the left wing , Jacobo Arbenz , was elected president and began to carry out political reforms . He liberalize labor laws , raise the minimum wage , an end to repression against political activity , and initiate a policy of agrarian reform . United States became anxious .

 Arbenz in 1953 to take over hundreds of acres of vacant land owned by the American company United Fruit Company . American response very quickly. An embargo is done and n technical assistance is decided . In November 1953 , all ships docked in Guatemala being chased by American soldiers .

 June 18, 1954 , the group of combat troops transported American fighters stormed through Honduras . The revolutionaries in Guetamala asked Arbenz to arm the people as a tool for aggression against America , but the President Guetemala was rejected . Instead Arbenz use regular combat units Guetemala to block .
The story of Che Guevara's life journey

 Ernesto " Che " Guevara , who were executed by the Bolivian army , on that day, the last in 1967 . Bolivia assisted the United States Secret Service , the Central Intelligence Agency ( CIA ) , while chasing legends of Latin American guerrilla warfare it .

Felix Rodriguez , the CIA agent assigned to hunt down the man who helped Bolivia Che was familiarly called , was also recalled times when he participated in the historic hunting , in an interview to Newsmax . The story published October 8, 2013 edition of Newsmax .

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