Minggu, 12 Januari 2014

First Dinosaur Fossil Found in Saudi

First Dinosaur Fossil Found in Saudi
A fossilized plant-eating titanosaurs and sharply toothed Tyranosaurus found in Saudi Arabia . The findings , published in the journal PLoS ONE , December 26, 2014 , this is the first discovery of dinosaur fossils in the Arabian peninsula .

The discovery of dinosaur fossils are rare in the Arab world . Previous findings , which include teeth and bone fragments of the same species , have occurred in Jordan , Oman , and Lebanon .

" This discovery is important not only because of the location of its discovery , but also because we managed to identify them , " says Benjamin Kear , lead author of the study , was quoted as saying by LiveScience . Kear is a biologist history of Uppsala Universitet in Sweden .

The fossils 72 million years old was discovered when Kear and his colleagues were digging a sandstone outcrop formations Adaffa about eleven kilometers northeast of Al - Khuraybah , Saudi Arabia . There, they found two teeth theropod teeth and some vertebrae .

A typical pattern of the teeth to make the team concluded that these fossils belong Abelisaurus Bipedal ( such as T - Rex ), which has a length of about six feet and titanosaur which can grow up to 20 meters .

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