Rabu, 29 Januari 2014

Getting more German Intelligence Agency

Getting more German Intelligence Agency
BND which stands Bundesnachrichendienst or Federal Intelligence Service is the foreign intelligence agency of the Federal Republic of Germany. Currently, the BND became a key player in the economy, politics, defense and population groups who all led to an increase in well-being of Europe.
The beginning of the 20th century, the BND assign top priority in the scope of their duties, namely the use of technology, international terrorism, international crime, international arms trafficking and illegal immigration. BND is also equipped with law enforcement authorities in the fight against terrorism and other threats.
BND provide an important contribution to security abroad, including to guarantee protection for citizens residing abroad. In addition, provide support for the Bundeswehr ( German military ) in carrying out its mission abroad. Equally important, the BND provides information and advice to the Federal Government, especially in the political and security issues of foreign policy based on global importance of international cooperation and integration.
Under the control of the Chancellor 's Office ( Bundeskanzleramt ), BND provide early warning to the German government over matters that can disrupt and threaten the German interests abroad. Almost all the affairs of the world get attention from the BND operates in over 100 countries, with the main task of gathering information . BND regularly exchange information with the relevant security institutions, including the Office of the Federal Police, Customs Office and the office handling the border issue. In addition to submit a report to Bonn, in a crisis situation BND also stated that the general analysis and analysis of a particular situation based on information obtained from sources open or closed, or the exchange of information from the intelligence services of other countries.
Spread BND agents in the various German states and conduct monitoring activities in central Europe. BND also has an agreement with the Russian intelligence service that provides cooperation combat nuclear smuggling.
A. history BND
Beginning of a military intelligence agency BND East Germany during the period of World War II. Abteilung Fremde Heere Ost ( Section FHO ) is included in the General Staff, headed by the Wehrmacht, Major Gender Reinhard Gehlen. The purpose of the BND was formed to collect information from the Red Army. In 1946, Gehlen established the intelligence agency known as the Gehlen organization or abbreviated as " The org". In April 1956, Gehlen organization, controlling the West German intelligence service BND and the new. Gehlen organization leading the BND until 1968 and then replaced by Gen. Gerhard Wessel, an expert on Soviet affairs and organizations.
B. Legal Authority BND
The law on combating crime which was passed in 1994 giving authority to the BND to phone hacking to obtain foreign intelligence. The law requires that the BND convey to prosecutors concerning information obtained through eavesdropping on international telephone network, relating to serious crimes, such as the sale of weapons,drug trafficking and terrorism. BND also supports legislation that prohibits the communication code , arguing that the ban greatly helped the success of intelligence gathering.
C. organizations BND
Administratively, the BND is part embassies to report to the intelligence coordinator who was in the embassy. BND is responsible directly under the Chancellor of Germany. Head of BND called President. BND began to have a president since 1956, with the order Reinard Gehlen ( 1956-1968 ), Gerhard Wessel ( 1968-1978 ), Klaus Kinkel ( 1979-1982 ), Eberhard Blum ( 1982-1985 ), Heribert Hellenbroich (1985 ), Hans - Georg Wieck (1985-1990), Konrad Porzner (1990-1996), Gerhard Gullich (1996 ), Hansjorg Geiger ( 1996-1998 ), August Hanning ( 1998-2005 ), Ernst Uhrlau ( 2005-2011 ), Gerhard Schindler ( 2011 - up to now ).
BND - Pullach headquartered in Munich in 2014 and is planned to be transferred to Berlin . Information center and situations ( LIZ ) process information from around the world who come from media reports or analysis, compiled and integrated.
Nearly 70% of the budget is used to finance BND personnel. The number of personnel BND peaked around 7600 people took place during the cold war, which consisted of 6000 men stationed at headquarters and in 1500 was placed in the branch office and overseas. At the time of the collapse of the Berlin Wall in 1997 and a reduction in personnel of approximately 750 people.
BND has the directorate, as the engine of the organization in carrying out the activities and operations in the work area coverage BND. This organization has 12 directorates, namely :
Directorate GL ( Control Center / situation ) is a directorate that is responsible for coordinating and overseeing the production process ( in the form of reports / intelligence products ) BND. BND report addressed to the Federal Government and other agencies that have jurisdiction relating to the latest developments. The role of the Directorate of the other GL is a liaison between the BND Federal Level Military Intelligence Force.
UF Directorate ( Special Support Services ) is in charge of collecting and processing information confidential and provide directorate needs to create intelligence products ( Directorate LA, LB, TE, TW ). Other tasks include mapping Directorate UF assessment activities through aerial photographs or satellite imagery and geographic data presentation depicting a map of the world shows city planning, environmental assessment, and so forth. In addition, the directorate collect information through open source comes from the Internet, the library and other electronic media.
EA Directorate ( Regional Operations / Liaison ) is responsible for coordinating and regulating the relationship out. EA Directorate cooperates with outside parties behind closed doors, to deal with issues such as kidnapping , hostage and so forth. The Directorate EA maintain good relations with the Federal armed forces. EA Directorate is also responsible for building standard intelligence operations, gathering information related to the use of confidential human resources / human intelligence ( HUMINT ).
Directorate TA ( Signal Intelligence ) in charge of collecting information with the help of tools / latest technology. Information gathered intelligence about the events related to foreign countries, selectively obtained by filtering traffic of international communication. The Directorate is collecting information from all over the world communication required by the Federal Government. The responsibility of the Directorate TA supervision section covers the Federal armed forces overseas, crisis management support and authority to handle cases of kidnapping a German citizen abroad . Interception of communications intelligence surveillance law requires to run a rescue mission in the national interest of Germany.
Directorate LA ( Region A Countries ) and LB ( Region B Countries ), Directorate of LA and LB , the collection of information originating from all regions of the world are further analyzed and made a report intended for the Federal Government, ministries and other users. Studies focus regions including the current conflict and crisis areas, from the medium to long term, given the state of foreign and security policy of the Federal Republic of Germany. Part of the information collected includes the operation and equipment combined technique of open source ( publication of knowledge , and literature ) and the internet.
Directorate of TE ( Terrorism and International Crime Organization ) is responsible for investigating the case of transnational dangers ranging from international terrorism and international organized crime, as well as asymmetric threats. Information was collected using the method of operation, analysis and providing rapid consumption needs of the government.
Directorate TW ( Proliferation, NBC Weapon ) responsible for collecting and analyzing information about issues related to proliferation. TW Directorate coverage duties also include observing the development of military technology.
Directorate SI ( Security ) is responsible to supervise the security and counter-intelligence. Security and surveillance function inherent in BND counterintelligence. Security functions include physical security organization personnel action against an opponent that is trying to do the organization raising the possibility of using personnel or organizations to infiltrate the organization itself . Meanwhile, physical security is focused on concealment of material elements from being stolen or destroyed by the opposing party, who also conducted surveillance of the traffic, limiting access only to that interest in accordance with the task. The scope of the Directorate of SI covers data security, storage and transmission, providing physical security, security counseling and conduct security checks.
Directorate TU ( Technical Support ), is responsible for providing all matters relating to engineering services for all Directorate BND, as well as operating systems and applications to provide fast, secure communications, information sharing and process information. Furthermore, the task in particular include technology research laboratory.
Directorate of Kindergarten ( Technical Development ), responsible to design, develop and maintain specialized equipment BND. Directorate system follows the latest developments in the field of communications engineering, information technology and software development . Directorate kindergarten as an instrument in projecting and planning for all phases of the development of technical equipment. Its scope includes planning and project preparation, procurement and development, testing and evaluation, as well as the initiation and completion of technical systems.
ZY Directorate ( Service Center ), responsible for the overall business development of the organization, personnel management, recruitment, and training of members. Including safety, health, and payroll management. The Directorate is the administrative agency that provides services to the BND as a whole.
Directorate UM ( Displacement / Relocation ), precisely on April 10, 2003, the Federal Security Council decided to concentrate BND in Berlin. The Directorate is coordinating the gradual development planning office for the benefit of future users, such as preparing the ground for the gradual development of new BND headquarters in Chausseestrasse.

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