Kamis, 23 Januari 2014

Microsoft Show off 3D Hologram Technology Proficiency

Microsoft Show off 3D Hologram Technology Proficiency
Presentation using the monitor color white has become commonplace . However Jerukers can do a very prestigious presentation using advanced technologies developed by Microsoft with Digital Video Enterprises ( DVE ) called Immersion Room .
Indeed , Digital Video Enterprises ( DVE ) is a sophisticated room that is designed to make a presentation in class . Instead of using a white screen , the presentation in this room is done by using holography technology .
Microsoft Show off 3D Hologram Technology Proficiency

The room is designed to be able to display three- dimensional objects freely . Those in the room did not require additional devices such as goggles or the like . By doing so , the technology in this room becomes very practical .
Inside this room , Jerukers can do a proper presentation made ​​by Tony Stark in the movie Iron Man . And like Stark , Jerukers can interact directly with a digital three-dimensional objects presented .
Microsoft also uses various types of technology to be able to realize sophisticated rooms , among which is Lync , Kinect and DVE technology owned by others .
This sophisticated room was not only offer cutting-edge presentations by means of holography . There are also other features that facilitates the teleconference by using Microsoft Surface tablet .

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