Senin, 13 Januari 2014

6 Concentrated Mineral Subject to Indonesian Tax Up to 60%

6 Concentrated Mineral Subject to Indonesian Tax Up to 60%
The Ministry of Finance has issued a Ministerial Regulation relating to tariffs out mineral products that may be exported at this time.

The policy is a supporter of the previous three rules mining law, Government Regulation no. 5 Year 2008 on Levy Imposition of Export Goods, and related ESDM banning export of raw minerals.

In the office of the Ministry of Finance, Acting Head of Fiscal Policy, Andien Hadiyanto, revealed, until 2017, when mining companies are still exporting raw minerals export duty will be charged at 60 per cent.

He said there were six mineral concentrates with certain levels may be exported, because it imposed tariffs out today. Sixth concentrate are:

1. Copper concentrate with levels above 15 percent.
2. Iron concentrates with two types, namely levels above 62 percent and 10 percent.
3. Manganese concentrate with levels above 49 percent.
4. Lead concentrate with levels above 57 percent.
5. Zinc concentrate with levels above 52 percent.
6. Iron concentrate grading (Ilumenit) above 58 percent and over 58 percent titanium.

"Levels under the provisions should not be exported. Export duty may be imposed for export," he said.

The imposition of tariffs out up to 60 percent will be done in stages until 2017. This year, starting with 20 percent, except for copper which began pegged 25 percent, then from 2015 per semester increased by 10 percent until the end of 2016.

Imposition of export duty tariff policy, according to him, is a positive thing for the increase in mining investment in Indonesia. Because, raises certainty.

Minister of Finance, M Chatib Basri, on different occasions revealed, this instrument is in fact not a new one applied by the government, particularly the Ministry of Finance. However, the policy is effective to suppress the export of raw minerals are currently large.

"Three years from now, it means that the profit margin on top, he would not export.

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