Senin, 27 Januari 2014

Better Losing Car Than HP; Survey in the USA

Better Losing Car Than HP; Survey in the USA
One study conducted by Zipcar, the " Car Sharing " from Cambridge , United States towards the younger generation, produce interesting conclusions. Previously, studies only emphasize, the decline in the interest of young people own a car .

The study was conducted by surveying 1,009 adults, aged 18 years and over, including 955 driver license. The goal is to determine the demographic trends of United States citizens today.

Choosing a Mobile Phone
Zipcar concluded, 40 percent of the millennial or Gen Y , the generation born since the early 1980 - 2000s, rather than the car lost cell phone ( mobile phone ). They also assess, losing access to a computer, laptop or television is a tragedy.

The results of the above studies in contrast dengan16 percent of people aged 35 years upwards argues, is more difficult to accept the loss of her cell phone. The reason , they lose access to other things. But, more than 40 per cent aged 35 years and over, said the loss of the car should be avoided. Only a quarter of Gen Y agreed that the car is more important than the phone.

The younger generation is also stated, proximity to mobile and other devices to make them more distant from the desire to drive. Zipcar continues to conduct research on the behavior of young people since 2010, after launching an hourly car rental program.

The survey results also prove the theory of multiple experts on the younger generation of today are facing arrears cost of education and employment are increasingly narrow. As a result, they are considered too expensive to own a car and have not the time!

A total of 53 percent of Gen Y say , the cost of owning a car, including insurance, gas, parking, and other expenses are difficult to fulfill. This number contrasts compared to 35 percent of older generation say the same thing.

Average price of new cars sold in the U.S. in December 2013 and ranges from 33,000 U.S. dollars (USD 401.9 million ) and is difficult to reach young people.

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