Jumat, 17 Januari 2014

"Dajjal" Already Born In India

"Dajjal" Already Born In India"Dajjal" Already Born In India
The Messenger of Allah said to us , the Antichrist will come out of the eastern part of the earth called Khurasan ( Jamiu at Tirmidhi ) .
AbĂ» Hurayrah narrated that the Prophet . said :
" Day of Resurrection will not come until 30 Beast ( liars ) appear , they all lie about Allah and His Messenger . "

In rural areas of India precisely puthaparti Nilayam , the eastern region of Khorasan , india south , appears a laki2 the world 's attention called SAI BABA .
This man has the ability to raise the dead , heal the lame and the blind , even able to reduce rain and issued a flour from her hands . He was also able to walk across
hemisphere in an instant , creating a golden statue , change iron into gold , and more variety libel shown by Sai Baba to thousands of people - even - the millions who come from
various ethnic groups and religions . Currently this man already has tens of millions of followers ..

Then it is time for every Muslim to know the problem, so he does not become a victim
The next of Sai Baba 's slander .
It may be that Sai Baba is one of 30 small Beast - Beast will pave the way for the emergence of al -Masih al - Dajjal ( the Antichrist will be at war with the imam Mahdi and killed by the prophet Isa ) .
" Dajjal is a man that fat , red -skinned and curly hair ... " ( HR.Bukhari and Muslim )

" At the beginning of its emergence , the Dajjal saying , I am the prophet , even though there is no prophet after me . Then he praised him , saying , I am the Lord of you , when you can not see your Rabb that you die ( HR.Ibnu Majah )

Between Dajjal and SAI BABA

1 ) Dajjal berpostur a man who is short, stocky , curly -haired , bow-legged ( rather clubfoot ) . Sai Baba body’s  a short and curly hair .

2 ) Dajjal has a blind eye . Sai Baba never experienced blindness at a young age and then recovered again .

3 ) Dajjal come together and there is a mountain of bread and water streams . Sai Baba has the ability to remove vibhuti ( holy meal ) of air through the hands .

4 ) Dajjal has the ability to move from one place to another with depat and speed as fast as rain storms or high wind clouds . Sai Baba has the ability to walk the earth in a matter of exploring the twinkling of an eye .

5 ) follow Dajjal followers very much , even at the end of the world many people have dreamed to meet the Dajjal . Sai Baba has followers numbering tens of millions of people from various tribes , nations , countries and religions .

6 ) The Dajjal will appear with the claim to be wise / good , so many people are interested to follow . Sai Baba claimed as wise man who carries a mission of peace , love wisely eliminate any dispute .

7 ) The Dajjal will appear and as a prophet . Sai Baba positioned himself as a prophet to the pengikut2nya .

8 ) Dajjal will use the name of Christ. Sai Baba claimed to be incarnated as Jesus the Messiah after 2020.

9 ) The Dajjal will claim to be God . Sai Baba claims that he is God the ruler of the universe .

10 ) Dajjal will preach the religion of Allah . In many assemblies Darshanya, Sai Baba a lot to talk about Islam , the Qur'an and the need to understand it .

11 ) Dajjal able to raise the dead and heal the sick . Sai Baba has the ability to revive the dead also cure cancer .

12 ) Dajjal can rain . Sai Baba has the ability to bring down the rain and water for irrigation ( in the province was in the wake of Sai Baba for irrigation projects in dry areas ) .

13 ) Dajjal can issue treasury ( jewelery and possessions ) of the building collapsed , then it will follow the queen 's treasury . Sai Baba is able to create a statue of gold , gold necklaces , and various forms of gospel mini medalai berlafadz GOD in an instant .

14 ) Dajjal will kill someone and turn it back on . Sai Baba can turn people who have died .

15 ) Dajjal can move the body and places from one form to another . Sai Baba 's body can move from one to the other bodies which are shares of reincarnation itself .

16 ) Dajjal can raise his body . Sai Baba must have the ability to walk on air and make miracles on sebuh aircraft .

17 ) Dajjal unusual and out of the market and food . Sai Baba also ordinary people who eat and drink as any other human , he can also walk to the market , hospitals , irrigation projects , and other places frequented by humans .

18 ) Dajjal can be ordered to issue tumbuh2an earth and water . Sai baba can release water to the beat of his feet .

19 ) Dajjal does not possess a child . Sai Baba was barren , she does not have children and are not married ( not married ) .

20 ) Dajjal lead the Jewish people . Sai Baba has a mission to spread Zionist theology .

21 ) Dajjal appears at the time of the dispute . Sai Baba claims that he came from the future many conflicts and disputes , and his arrival to uphold the truth and destroy evil

O Muslims , what are we waiting for , let us return immediately to God and His Apostle .

" When any one of you have completed reading tasyahhud finally , let him seek refuge in Allah from four things . "

Should he said :

' O Allah , I seek refuge in You from the punishment of Jahannam Hell , torment of the grave, fitna ( trials ) as well as the life and death of the evils of slander Dajjal . "

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