Jumat, 10 Januari 2014

Kilimanjaro National Park

Kilimanjaro National Park
Located 340 km south of the equator, Mount Kilimanjaro is one of three mountains open to the eternal snow on the equator, in addition to Cayambe in Ecuador and Puncak Jaya in Indonesia. As the main object of the symbols in Tanzania and the East African countries, in 1973 made the Kilimanjaro National Park area, and in 1987 Kilimanjaro National Park (KINAPA) is recognized as a World Natural Heritage by the United Nations. At present, Kibo Peak region Kilimanjaro (5,895 m ASL) as the highest roof of the African continent, visited by more than 35,000 visitors each year.

Various ease of access, accommodation, security, and professional guide services, enabling more people to enjoy the natural beauty of this increasingly scarce. Kilimanjaro as a world natural heritage started and in the last 4 years tourist arrivals increased over threefold. Wonderfull .

Observing nature in the management of the Kili, traveling in the mission “Kilimanjaro for Lupus " continues to fascinate and envy. Tanzania, a developing country with over 30 percent of the population below the poverty line, capable of highly disciplined. Marangu Gate 7 is one of the climbing routes to the summit of Kilimanjaro at an altitude of 1,800 m. The building management office contains 3 officers met the prospective climbers lined up neatly.

KilimanjaroDi front of a small kiosk, containing the complete needs of climbing up souvenir merchandise. Bathroom facilities and a picnic area sits neat and clean , climbing four bulletin boards , ban , appeal and climbing regulations slick on a wooden board with carved inscription easy to read .

The entire building is identified with a clear point board. Not visible trash cans, but we did not find any rubbish scattered. The guides reliably help us register and manage logistics with 26 porters, cooks, and assistant guides are largely a Chagga tribe, the largest tribe in the Kilimanjaro region.

Pristine natural setting along the 70 km trip up and down us feels so deeply. Flora and fauna that we encountered seemed unruffled calm. Picnic area in the form of a wooden bench table, cottage toilets clean and maintained in every 5-7 km trip, 3 climbers hut with a capacity of 70 people in Mandara, Horombo 148 people and 58 people in the Kibo ready welcome.

Kilimanjaro Guide

Each cottage triangular structure with bunk beds for 4-10 climbers a wooden building with bedding and pillows. The cottage was enough to make us more comfortable than sleeping in a tent. In addition, available WC with abundant water, dining hall, kitchen and cottage special general guides and porters, plus solar panels is ready to light up every room every night.

User facility without discipline, whatever that means. In KINAPA the guide holds the key in the management of national parks. By guiding the categorization system versus reward, they continue to improve the ability of service required, the natural sciences, technical knowledge of climbing and rescue, as well as the ability to communicate and speak.

KilimanjaroSistem penalty , a suspension up to revocation of license , apply KINAPA management to ensure there were no violations , such as the use of fuels that are not recommended , disrupt the flora fauna , use outside the terms of service , negligence guides , and other strict regulations that could halt the guiding source of income .

Being a tour guide is a dream of most people Chagga tribe who live around the foot of Kilimanjaro. It took over 5 years to become the head of the guide, with the highest rewards. With 2-3 years experience to be a porter to forge physical, 2 years of education on the job training as an assistant guide, and finally by KINAPA test for certification guides.

As in many developing countries, the welfare of the guides and porters still an important issue. The great advantage is absorbed more tour operators who live in urban areas. Facilities completeness climbing equipment until proper clothing cannot always be met. Until many who suffer pain and even death.

Kilimanjaro two large association was formed in early 2003; KPAP (Kilimanjaro Porters Assistance Project) and KGPU (Kilimanjaro Guides and Porter Union). KPAP is an initiative of the International Mountain Explorers Connection is based in the U.S., which is fighting for the rights of the porters around the world, such as in the Annapurna Sanctuary Nepal and the Inca trail in Peru. Services in the form of loan equipment until proper clothing free of charge ; training English language , knowledge of HIV P3K to hit eight per cent of the population of Tanzania ; personal financial management , as well as to educate users porter services . KGPU being established former guides and porters, Joseph Nyabasi, with the aim of improving the well-being of those who make a living from the mountains through the same mission.

Demands professionalism coupled with worker protection agencies in the mountains, making this region one of the most popular natural tourist destinations.

Kilimanjaro as one of “The Big Seven “the highest mountain on every continent in the world to encourage the Government of Tanzania to improve itself. Tanzania welcomes the readiness rating of this nature must be imitated also by governments and observer of nature in Indonesia , Mount Carstensz Pyramid in which , Jayawijaya Papua region of Indonesia, is also one of " The Big Seven " .

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