Jumat, 31 Januari 2014

Know The Australian Intelligence Agency

Know The Australian Intelligence Agency
Australian Security Intelligence Service ( ASIS )
The Australian Secret Intelligence Service ( ASIS ) is the Australian Government's intelligence agency in charge of gathering foreign intelligence and counterintelligence tasks. Its presence is set in the Intelligence Service Act of 2001, which united the Australian Intelligence Community ( AIC ).

A. History of the Australian Security Intelligence Service ( ASIS )

The Australian Secret Intelligence Service ( ASIS ) was formed on May 13, 1952. ASIS responsible for collecting foreign intelligence information, especially in the Asia Pacific region. For more than 20 years, despite the existence of ASIS remain confidential to members of the Australian government.
Based Intelligence Service Act of 2001, ASIS role in generating intelligence derived from human sources that are outside the country. Currently, work areas ASIS related to foreign affairs and responsible to the Minister of Foreign Affairs of Australia.

ASIS is Australia's secret service who serves as a liaison with foreign intelligence services to foreign relations in the interests of national security and economic well-being of Australia. ASIS also serves as an antidote to a foreign intelligence service that threaten Australia's national interest. ASIS work side by side and have strong ties with members of the Australian intelligence community / Australian Intelligence Community (AIC). Ties and communication is coordinated with the activities of the intelligence activities in accordance with government requirements.
Currently, ASIS is led by Director General / General is appointed by the Governor -General. Director General / General is responsible to the Secretary of State that regulates ASIS and provide advice relating to ASIS. According to the law, the Director General is the only one known to the public. Nick Warner designated as Director General of ASIS since August 17, 2009, prior to December 2006, served as Secretary of Defense.
ASIS mission is to maintain and support the vital interests through the provision of Australia 's foreign intelligence agency established by the Australian government. The values developed in the performance of ASIS include diversity, following the change and encourage new ideas and innovation. Some values ASIS include the best service, trust and responsibility , innovation and courage, unity and loyalty.
The main goal is to obtain and distribute ASIS intelligence information on the capabilities, intentions and activities of a person or organization who is outside Australia which may have an impact on the government's interest and welfare of the population of Australia.
The ASIS tasks as follows :
1 . Finding relevant information intelligence capabilities, intentions or activities of people or organizations outside Australia.
2 . Communicate and distribute intelligence information in accordance with government requirements.
3 . Conducting counter intelligence
4 . As a liaison with foreign intelligence services, security services and the authorities of other countries.

B. Organizational Structure of the Australian Security Intelligence Service ( ASIS )

ASIS has a closeness with the Australian Intelligence Community ( AIC ) to ship products throughout the report to the Australian government agency. ASIS run a bigger part of the body that are members of the intelligence community and has a close relationship with the like bodies and bonding over the intelligence agencies of other countries.
The Australian Intelligence Community consists of 6 intelligence service which has the functions and responsibilities of different, including :
1. Office of National Assessments ( ONA )
Directly responsible to the Prime Minister of Australia. ONA is responsible for providing all sources estimate about international political, strategic and economic development to the prime minister, the national security committee of cabinet ministers and high officials in government departments. ONA is also responsible for coordinating and evaluating Australia's intelligence activities overseas.
2. Australian Security Intelligence Organisation ( ASIO )
ASIO main task is to collect intelligence information and produce intelligence products that are used as an early warning to the government about activities or situations that may threaten Australia's national security . ASIO focused on the issue of terrorism and everything politically motivated acts of violence as well as a spy or anything that may threaten the interests of Australia . ASIO does not conduct an investigation into the actions of protest against the law or a pure criminal act.
Function Other ASIO is to provide an analysis of the security situation and to collect foreign intelligence information in Austalia. Foreign intelligence information may include information regarding the capabilities, intentions and activities of foreign intelligence.
3. Defence Signals Directorate ( DSD )
Is part of the Department of Defense and members of the Australian Intelligence community. DSD Responsible for collecting, analyzing and distributing indication of foreign intelligence and national authorities have in communication systems and computer network security system the Australian government.
The main task of DSD is against international crime and terrorism, and provide support to military operations, and to protect the computer networks owned by the Australian government.
4. Defence Intelligence Organisation ( DIO )
Duty to support the defense policy-making and to help plan and organize the defense of the Australian government operations. DIO is responsible for military intelligence estimates, focused on global security, terrorism, economic resilience, the ability of military, science and technology. DIO role in providing and giving advice at the national level.
5. Defence Imagery and Geospatial Organisation ( DIGO )
Is a geospatial and imagery intelligence organization under the Ministry of Defence of Australia. DIGO serve to get geospatial intelligence information such as imagery and other sources to support the defense of the national interest of Australia.
The tasks DIGO by Intelligence Services Act 2001 ( ISA ) as follows :
Obtain geospatial and imagery intelligence information to the capabilities, intentions, and activities of residents and organizations located outside Australia in accordance with government requirements.
Obtain geospatial and imagery intelligence information in accordance with the operational objectives, the training and the needs of the Australian armed forces.
Obtain geospatial and imagery intelligence information with the aim to support the commonwealth and state authorities to maintain Australia's national interest.
Communicating the need to obtain intelligence information in accordance with government requirements.

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