Senin, 20 Januari 2014

NASA Robot Record "New Mystery" on Mars

NASA Robot Record "New Mystery" on Mars
Strange phenomenon occurred again on Mars . Some time ago , Curiosity robot vehicle reportedly managed to capture images of objects whose shapes resemble lizards . This time , Curiosity captures an image of a stone that suddenly appeared - not previously exist .

Launch the Daily Mail, January, 2014 , a mysterious stone that suddenly appeared in front of the robot Curiosity has made scientists at the Mars Exploration Rover United States Space Agency ( NASA ) scratching his head .

Because Curiosity photo taken on Sol 3536 or the date of January 8, 2014 on the surface of Mars did not find anything. But a few days later , Sol 3540 photo in the same place there is a rock show .

To note , Sol is a measure of a day on Mars . Sol times longer than the Earth , that is 24 hours 37 minutes .

Peculiar finding was revealed by Steve Squyres , Mars Exploration Rover manager who works at NASA 's Jet Propulsion Laboratory . In a press statement , Squyres said rock suddenly appeared it might be Martian rocks blown by meteor impact near the robot Curiosity .

" While the possibility of other states that were previously stuck in the stone wheel robot Curiosity . Then , a few moments later the stone fell near the robot Curiosity , " said Squyres .

To note , continues to extend the mission of NASA robot on Mars Curiosity . The goal , making new discoveries are more details about the state of the Red planet .

The robot Curiosity on December 15, 2013 and managed to find new evidence of the existence of an ancient lake containing fresh water on the planet Mars was estimated to be 3.7 billion years ago . From the findings indicate that the environment of Mars in the past very habitable for life .

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