Selasa, 21 Januari 2014

Problems Caused Global Warming

Problems Caused Global Warming
Global warming , or better known as global warming has become a crucial issue in the modern era . The issue of when the world began to grow into 2000 . Global warming caused by the greenhouse effect . The greenhouse effect is derived from the gases in the atmosphere settles . Actually the gases that arise naturally derived from the environment , but also the recent human activity is the cause . As a result , the earth's temperature to be increased . What is there that human activities resulting in global warming ? Check out his review .

Fossil Fuels
Fossil fuels is intended to generate electricity flowing our homes . This fossil fuels produces carbon dioxide gas . The release of carbon dioxide will fly into the air and settles in our atmosphere and the Indonesian fifth largest in Asia after China , Japan , India and South Korea . If we 're not in need of electricity left the room , it helps us to turn off the electricity before use.

Vehicle pollution
Wow, this is already not a secret anymore. Pollution resulting from motor vehicles also produces carbon dioxide gas . Work weighs dong imagine our earth 's atmosphere , check it out of the vehicle that is around us . So , keep your vehicle was in order to minimize the pollution generated .

Garbage is also a problem that is still not the maximum resolution. Garbage we produce every day produces methane or CH4 . From one ton of solid waste will produce 50 kg of methane gas ! According to the Ministry of Environment , an estimated 1995 people in Indonesia each produce 0.8 kg of garbage per day and in 2000 increased to 1 kg per day . And judging by the growing population and the lack of public awareness , predicted in 2020 , Indonesia will produce up to 500 million kg of garbage per day ! Well , not like how we imagine life later.

Forests owned by the world function as an absorber of carbon dioxide in order to not get into our atmosphere . In accordance taught in biology class , after being absorbed by trees or plants , they will produce oxygen . For the actions of humans alone , forests are cleared for agriculture or replaced become like oil palm plantations . And eventually working forest into lungs of the world so it would not be maximal .

Livestock & Agriculture
Turns out, we do not expect him , such as agriculture and animal husbandry became one of the problems of global warming . Results or residual generated by the release of both pumping gas methane and nitrous oxide , through rice fields are flooded , the use of fertilizer at the same agricultural practices , burning and decaying remnants of the agricultural and livestock dung decay .

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