Rabu, 15 Januari 2014

Supercomputers in Japan Success Imitate Brain Work

Supercomputers in Japan Success Imitate Brain Work
Supercomputer Tianhe-1 is believed to break the world speed record.
K supercomputer in Japan managed to create a simulation of the human brain . Calculations are performed in the world's fourth most powerful computer was accurate but still can not match the performance of the brain . Supercomputer that took 40 minutes to create a simulation of the brain for one second .

K supercomputer used by the researchers from Germany and Japan it has 705,024 processors and gigabytes of RAM at 1.4 million . With the application of Neural Simulation Technology ( NEST ) , the supercomputer simulation calculations and make connections from 1.73 billion nerve cells and over 10 trillion synapses - the junction between two nerve cells in the brain . But the number of nerve cells and the junction as it turned out only one per cent of the total connections in the brain .

Success with a second brain simulation project , the researchers want to increase the power and speed of a computer in order to make the simulation as a whole mind . The project can be done in the future with the latest generation of supercomputers with exascale computing systems . It is a computer that could operate one million trillion operations per second . Until now there is no computer that powerful. But Intel claims they would have such a powerful engine in 2018 .

Mark Diesmann , researchers from the University Feriburg who participated in the project said simulated brain works as a whole , including nerve cells and synapses , can be done by exascale computers . " I hope that this technology is already available within the next decade , " he said .

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