Selasa, 14 Januari 2014

There are astonishing facts about the Amazon River!

Amazon , the river is arguably quite phenomenal . There is a unique story about the Amazon River . According to Amazon native tribes , the river formed caused a huge Anaconda named Sucuritzu Gigante . Anaconda usual , measuring only 10 meters , but Sukuritzu can reach a length of 40 meters , diameter 80 cm , and weighs about 4 tons ! Wow , great! And the Amazon , first , is the location of the exit - sucuritzu Sucuritzu enormous size of it. However , heavy rain made ​​the mud at the site . Maybe that is what is now mud into the Amazon river . In the past , there are a few explorers who have become witnesses of the existence of these giant snakes figure in the Amazon . But , we know less well , how the original story about how Amazon was formed .

Anaconda addition , there are several other occupants . Here it is the inhabitants of the Amazon river :
There are astonishing facts about the Amazon River!

Who does not know this one fish . He looks very scary, making us reluctant to see it . Moreover, these fish have sharp teeth and a meat eater crafty ! But , also not as dangerous Piranha 's in Hollywood movies . Piranha can also be a pet fish in an aquarium in your home . Interested ?
There are astonishing facts about the Amazon River!

Arapaima / Piracuru
These fish are the largest freshwater fish in the world that comes from South American waters . This fish can reach weights of 200 kilograms with a body length of 3 meters . But , it's been very rare fish Arapaima exceed 2 meters in length , caused by nosy some fisheries that export meat .
There are astonishing facts about the Amazon River!

Amazon catfish
Of the 2,800 species of fish in the Amazon , nearly half are catfish . Even the giant catfish can also be found on Amazon !
There are astonishing facts about the Amazon River!

Electric eels
These eels can produce an electric voltage up to 650 volts ! Well , I think dah tuh tolerable for boarding ! Haha ! Electricity was only used to hunt their prey .
There are astonishing facts about the Amazon River!

This fish is similar to catfish . But , this fish is a fish that is most feared by locals Amazon , exceeding Piranha ! This fish measuring only about 1 inch , shaped like an eel and transparent , making it very difficult to look at the water . This fish is a fish parasite that enters the cracks of other fish gills . That makes this fish is very dangerous to humans , these fish like urine and blood . So , there Kalao swimmers swim near the fish , then the fish will go through the human penis , vagina or penis either through ( sorry ) . Candiru fish and to take it out of our body , the operation must be done ! Ish , , , horrified yes !
There are astonishing facts about the Amazon River!

Poisonous frogs
Frog is poisonous because along its body is toxic slime . Locals with great care to avail the toxic mucus smeared into their arrows . In fact , he is capable of killing a human frog with just one touch !
There are astonishing facts about the Amazon River!

Toxic caterpillars
Shaped like a caterpillar . But , in the plume , are toxic and can cause death to people who touch it ! These toxins cause a hard freeze our blood and our blood pressure lowers drastically .
There are astonishing facts about the Amazon River!

Rex Tyrannobdella
This animal is a kind of leech . The uniqueness of this leech is to have a row of teeth consists of 8 teeth . Normally these blood-sucking leech in the nose of its host . Because of their small size , these leeches seem very difficult if it enters the nose , and can cause headaches incredible .
There are astonishing facts about the Amazon River!

Ih , yes horrified when we met with fierce creatures above ! Creeps disco , But , there is one more unique facts about the Amazon . It turned down the Amazon river , there is also a river thousands of kilometers long . Based on the National Observatory of Brazil ( BNO, the river is located approximately 3 kilometers beneath the Amazon that has a length of 6,000 kilometers closer , or nearly the whole Amazon itself ( 6,800 kilometers ) . According to Dr Valiya Hamza of BNO , the discovery of this underground river sticking thanks to the study of temperature variations at 241 inactive oil wells were dug in the period 1970 to 1980 by the state oil company , Petrobras .

That information allowed the research team led by Dr. Hamza identify the movement of water in approximately 3 kilometers beneath the Amazon River . The discovery itself was presented by Hamza on meeting Brazilian Geophysical Society in Rio de Janeiro last week . Reportedly , the river will be named Hamza , in honor of the scientist who headed the study that enables the discovery of the river . Dr. Hamza asserted that the study of the underground river is still in its early stages , but he believes that research results can be enjoyed at the end of 2014 . However, Dr Hamza refused to comment on questions about the environmental and economic impact of the existence of this river ....

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