Senin, 13 Januari 2014

Travel Photography is Fun

Travel Photography is FunTravel Photography is Fun

HOLIDAY? Everyone will love it! In addition to “refreshing" and reduce boredom of routine activities such as work or school, a lot of fun activities to do during the holidays. Typically, during the holidays many are going out of town looking for a new atmosphere for recreation. For example, hiking, cycling, beach, diving, rafting, or just a walk in an area that has lots of area tourism.

In addition to lots of fun activities, one thing that cannot be ignored from a holiday is documenting or making photographs while on holiday. For those who like photography, when the holiday is an opportunity to hunt for photographs, especially to places you've never visited.

In terms of photography known photographic journey (traveling photography), ie photographing activities undertaken while traveling including a trip during the holidays. Photos are often times resulting in travel photography in general is a natural landscape, the activity of the local community in the area of interest, and historic buildings.

Collecting Information

Before going to the destination during the holidays, it is important to do a little research and gather all the information related to the location of holiday. Places to stay and transportation must be taken into account before leaving. In Indonesia, the cost of transportation, especially for traveling to areas outside of Java such as to eastern Indonesia, is still relatively expensive.

Additional information is needed regarding the performance or activities of local arts and culture that may be in operation at the destination.

According to one activist photography trips, research plays an important role in the traveling photo because without research rely on sheer luck while on location. With research, such as weather barriers can be anticipated.

This research will help determine the priority areas that will be visited in advance so that the time during the holidays will be more effective. Currently, a variety of information and discussion forums on tourist destinations are easily available over the internet.


Documenting the journey can maximize owned equipment or cameras. If you have a DSLR, just bring one or two lenses are actually needed. This is to avoid carrying a lot of equipment but unused and even burdensome.

Vario lens such as the 24-70 mm medium range is enough to get a photo with a wide angle (24 mm) to record a panorama, and little details when the bracelet was transferred to a 70 mm lens.

If using a DSLR is considered complicated, using a compact camera can be an alternative option. Currently, a number of camera manufacturers launched mirrorless camera types. This camera has a capability similar to a DSLR but does not use a reflective mirror like a DSLR, the shape is also smaller. Mirrorless cameras can also be exchanged loose lenses like a DSLR.

Its small size and compact deemed suitable for travel photography enthusiasts. In addition unobtrusive when photographing, not too heavy when carried. Photographing the trip will certainly generate a lot of photos; it needs to be prepared for more than one memory card. Spare memory card is helpful for backing up data.

Experience fun

Photography trips provide a wealth of experience and new things, other than while on vacation and refreshing, not infrequently encountered many fun moments.

Photographer Jerry Aurum shares one unique experience that happened while on vacation in the resort town of Kaikoura, New Zealand.

"At that time I tried to take pictures of wild seals basking in the cluster of coral. Swim I have to use a 1 cm thick wetsuit to avoid hypothermia. Once they get used to my presence, they began to jump in the air and asked me to play around. Fact, they close-up pose in front of the camera my pocket, maybe they are curious about her reflection in the camera lens, "said Jerry.

Experiences and new things learned now also are shared through various social media. In addition to Facebook and Twitter, also through Integra, Flicker, Path, or Google+.

Moreover, the photos can also be sent to the traveling tourist magazines both locally and internationally. So, do not hesitate to document while undergoing holidays, in addition to recreation, who knows the work of our pictures can be useful

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