Kamis, 16 Januari 2014

Who Can Compete Mr. Billions Bill Gates?

Who Can Compete Mr. Billions Bill Gates?Who Can Compete Mr. Billions Bill Gates?
Bill Gates wealth is nearly USD 100 billion, difficult unmatched in the world of technology. But it is quite possible, there will be another tech billionaire who could approach the amount of wealth, or even surpass them. Who are they?

If the question was posed when Steve Jobs was still alive, perhaps one of the founders of Apple's strongest candidate. Unfortunately, Jobs was gone, and Gates was losing the equivalent figure competitors, apple to apple.

Even if there is a level approaching Gates and Jobs, the amount may not amount to much. But those who are still here have great potential to become the world's richest tech billionaires.

1. Mark Elliot Zuckerberg Facebook) 
2. Elon Musk (SpaceX) 
3. Jack Dorsey (Twitter) 
4. Larry Elison (Oracle) 
5. Sergey Brin dan Larry Page (Google) 
6. Lee Kun-Hee (Samsung) 
7. Carlos Slim Helu' (Telemex)

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