Kamis, 16 Januari 2014

Why Do Accelerate Renewable Energy Development?

Conventional fossil energy reserves are thin [see following tables]. Conventional energy will be more expensive. The use of renewable energy is an effort to mitigate the impact of carbon emissions that cause global warming. The use of energy as a means of risk mitigation volatility in world oil prices. Renewable energy development  an effort to electric providing security for future generations.

Thinking about the future of energy a country heavily influenced by conflicting opinions, and each describes contemporary thinking. According to some consultants that the first is the pessimistic opinion which developed or developing countries will face the problem of oil, coal and gas (fossil fuels). Energy sources is expected to be depleted quickly because it is influenced by the rate of growth in the rapidly increasing world population has implications for the increasing needs of global energy consumption and thus the longer the energy will be exhausted. Estimated that in 2045 the world population reaches 9 billion souls, for it required additional energy consumption around 60-70 percent of the energy produced by the world today, thus increasing the demand (rising demand) each country. Besides other issues are concerned about the environment, such as the exploration of massive coal greatly impact on the environment. Not to mention the issue of global warming resulting from the energy use of petroleum, coal and gas (fossil fuels) to excess. Thus further strengthening the idea that the world’s first energy crisis would soon experience.

Then the second opinion is the opinion of optimism, in which they refuted on the grounds that the opinion of a “doomsday energy” is not proven, their views on oil only on economic issues rather than technical problems finding new reserves. The decline in oil prices that occurred lately in retail in a fairly long period of time is used as the basis of the opinion of the group’s arguments. The chances of finding new reserves is large enough, then the exploration of coal reserves are minimal and still very much. Not to mention the issue of alternative energy development (non-fossil) such as Nuclear, Biomass, Solar still in slow progress and this value could be alternative energy development opportunities in the future.

Seeing these two opinions, it would be very difficult to take a final conclusion or serve as the basis for determining the direction of policy, since both the opinion does not explain the policy direction to be taken and should be done by policymakers. but from the second opinion can be drawn result while that one side of the energy dependence of petroleum, coal and gas (fossil energy) is very high, on the other hand the use of alternative energy (non fossil) is still very minimal. Therefore conprehensif need a policy to address the issue in a country that is being developed and developing countries such as Indonesia.

The role of the energy sector in Indonesia is quite significant, as well as to promote economic growth as well as to improve the welfare of the community. Therefore, the energy sector has a considerable influence on sustainable development of the country. For the energy problem in Indonesia, where the population of Indonesia has reached 237 million people is directly proportional to the energy required. Indonesia is about 237 million people, with a population growth rate of 1.49 percent per year. This condition implies the growing national need for energy, such as household goods, transportation and industry. Consumption of energy demand in Indonesia based on the needs of households, transport and energy industries based Outlook Indonesia BPPT issued in 2011, explained that the energy consumption during the period 2000 to 2009 increased from 709.1 million BOE in 2000 to 865.4 million BOE at 2009, or an average increase of 2.2% per year. and energy sources used are still largely dependent on energy derived from fossil fuels.

Conditions above shows, if you look at the energy of which is owned by Indonesia at this time such as oil, coal and gas are not as rich as one might imagine, and from the used then certainly a time of energy will be depleted if not immediately anticipated, it is conceivable Indonesia will experience energy crisis and the impact on the future economic development of Indonesia. And Indonesia will be 100% energy imports to meet its energy needs, it will have an impact on the financial capacity of the country. It is conceivable that development will proceed slowed because some of the money used to purchase energy. Seen from the side of demand and consumption that occurs and the increasing population growth in Indonesia each year. According Hugges (2000) survival rate and quality of activity is dependent upon the availability and consumption of energy.

To that end, the proper energy management policy now is to encourage the use of alternative energy other than oil, coal and gas. This is because the potential for alternative energy resources (geothermal, biomass, nuclear, wind) in Indonesia is quite abundant, and there is very little use. Therefore, the government should be consistent to develop renewable alternative energy (renewable energy) and environmentally friendly. By building all the facilities and supporting infrastructure.

In Law no. 30 Year 2007 on energy has been emphasized that the national energy policy is energy management policies based on the principles of justice, sustainable, and environmentally friendly in order to create energy independence and resilience. Act emphasizes that the independence and energy security is essential to promote sustainable development, therefore it can be achieved through the development of renewable energy (non fossil).

Renewable energy development policy is happening now seems to be done half-heartedly, the government prefers to subsidize the import of petroleum than efforts to develop renewable energy. Though the presidential decree No.. 5/2006 on the national energy policy where the legacy emphasized that the goal of national energy policy in general is to achieve energy elasticity less than 1 (one) in 2025 and the optimal primary energy mix. where the use of fossil energy has begun to be reduced and enhance use of renewable energy. For that to achieve this goal then there are 3 (three) important things of concern in president regulary, the first issue of energy prices aimed at economic price, which the central and local governments still provide energy subsidies for the poor community. Second, with respect to energy security, the government should provide national energy reserves. Then third, diversification of energy in the form of new and renewable energy (non fossil). In other words, this indicator is expected to have an impact on efforts to develop non-fossil renewable energy, especially in efforts to reduce reliance on fossil fuels today.

Actually in the development of renewable energy is currently faced with several issues such as the price is not reached economic price so investment becomes blocked, as many investors are reluctant to invest in renewable energy. technological capability is very limited because the technology needed to build renewable energy generation is quite expensive plus the capability of human resources is still very limited overlap between the policies in the development of renewable energy is also complicated the issue of renewable energy development at this time. To that end, there should be a more revolutionary efforts in encouraging the development of renewable energy in Indonesia as do the revocation subsisdy on petroleum (fossil energy) and began to divert subsidies to renewable energy development. This step is expected to provide a conducive environment for the development of renewable energy in Indonesia. Therefore, the optimal policy is not renewable energy development is the responsibility of the government as policy maker. Because after the government wanted the policy objectives are achieved as expected. Therefore, the government’s interest is properly oversee the process. And if it fails in achieving the objectives for the benefit of policy evaluation is necessary.

In other words, the evaluation of the national energy policy that is currently associated with the objectives, specific goals and how to achieve that goal. To promote the welfare of the people. So from the evaluation could explain how far the approach goal considering future energy issues will greatly affect the economic growth conditions.

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