Sabtu, 11 Januari 2014

10 The West Java Tourism, Indonesia

As the neighboring provinces of Jakarta, West Java has a lot of tourist attractions are unique and interesting. Below we chose 10 sites in West Java who deserve known and visited by tourists, both domestic and foreign.

1. Pangandaran Beach
Fine sand and clean sea water makes the legendary beach Pangandaran Beach. Nature Reserve Pananjung background rich in flora and fauna, this beach provides a unique opportunity to be able to see the sunrise and sunset from the same place.
10 The West Java Tourism, Indonesia
 Pangandaran Beach
2. Mount Tangkuban Perahu
Been to Mount Tangkuban Perahu, we can see the beauty of ten adjacent crater. Kawah Ratu, Kawah Upas and Kawah Domas, a three crater of Mount Tangkuban Perahu frequented by tourists. To get to the craters, we can walk through the trail with mileage between craters which are not so far. We can also hire a special mount for the Queen to the location of the crater.

3. River Rafting Citarik
Desire adrenaline with Citarik River rafting , one of the rivers in Sukabumi is used as the location for rafting activities . With a fairly heavy stream of water, we would be served by five operators rafting guides are certified by the national and even international standards.

This is important because for tourists who are interested in following the rafting activity, the safety factor is a major concern in addition to service.

4. White Crater
At the height Patuha, the hidden beauty of the old crater is unique. The smell of sulfur will be immediately greeted us upon arriving at the cliffs of the crater , making a dish that is not indivisibility when admiring light green crater surrounded by white sand and the water ripples in the crater -studded thin smoke .

Occasionally, the mud burst of life, be a natural attraction that is second to none. In addition, water color White crater always change when exposed to sunlight.

5. Green Canyon (Cukang Taneuh)
Cukang Taneuh or Green Canyon is one of the prime tourist spot in the South coast of West Java. In this place, we can enjoy Cijulang streams that penetrate caves with stalactites and stalaknit still dripping water. Water continuously issued in the cliff so the area is referred to as the eternal rain area. More beautiful scenery while watching Niagara Palatar contained in the Green Canyon Cave.

We can swim in cold water while enjoying the high cliffs. To reach this location, we can use a lot of boats that are available at Pier Ciseureuh, both outboard boats and paddle boats.

6. Pelabuhan Ratu Beach
Located approximately 60 miles south Sukabumi, beach Palabuhan queen whose real name is one of the attractions pride County Government Sukabumi. The beach is a very famous beach of the bay as a whole has a unique character, which is a blend of beaches and steep ramps.

Cliffs in the waves of powerful on the one hand, and the nature reserve forests on the other hand, is a character that is attached to the shore. The uniqueness of it becomes more interesting when the South Sea waves malignancy was associated with the legend of Nyi Roro Kidul.

7. Caves Lalay
In Sukabumi there is a tourist cave with millions of bats that live in them. Location Goa Lalay near Pelabuhan Ratu beach tours this unique store variety. Rows of hundreds of thousands of bats snaking, resembling a “cloud living “out of the Goa Inattentive, is a very interesting attraction in time for the afternoon we witnessed.

8. Taman Bunga Nusantara
Taman Bunga Nusantara is agro tourism which is a national asset with an international scale. The park is filled with beautiful displays of color and beautiful flower shapes from different parts of the world in accordance with the existing climate in Indonesia.

In this park saved about 2,000 species of orchids are treated. Landscape garden design styled with 10 flower garden built specifically so that it looks beautiful and traditional , the Water Garden , Secret Garden ( labyrinth) , Rose Garden , French -style garden , American style park , Taman Palem , Balinese -style garden , a Mediterranean-style garden , bougainvillea garden , and Japanese-style garden .

9. Waterfall Cikaso
One of nature’s most magnificent favorite in Sukabumi district is Cikaso waterfall waterfall. Waterfall with a height of nearly 80 meters it has 3 waterfalls and cliffs nearly 100 meters wide. To go to the location of the waterfall waterfalls Cikaso, but can be reached by walking along the paddy fields, can also be reached by motor boat ride with passing riverbanks.

10. Coastal Ujung Genteng
Located in District Ciracap, Sukabumi District, Coastal Ujung Genteng presents many other interesting places, such as the location where we could surf the waves were quite challenging which is known as “seven waves “.
10 The West Java Tourism, Indonesia
Coastal Ujung Genteng

This location is a favorite area for foreign tourists to surf. For those who love fishing, Edge Tile is heaven because in this place there are many different types of fish

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