Sabtu, 11 Januari 2014

Room-Secret Mysteries Pyramids In Giza

Room-Secret Mysteries Pyramids In Giza
A French architect was seeking permission to carry out new exploration on the Pyramid of Giza is 4,500 years old now. According to the pyramid have two secret rooms that had not yet publicly known.

The second room serves as a place to store furniture funeral. Allegations was delivered by Jean - Pierre Houdin , researchers pyramid of France , after studying the data an Egyptologist from the United States , Bob Brier , which combined with the simulation of three -dimensional ( 3D ) were made ​​.

The adventure provides clues about the possible existence of two secret rooms in the heart of the massive structure.

“I’m sure there are two rooms in the front of the Great Pyramid, and I want to find him, " he said as reported by Discovery News.

Pyramid of Giza is also called Khufu or Cheops who built the appropriate authorities when it is the oldest and largest pyramid.

Both rooms inside the pyramid are estimated as storage furniture used in the afterlife by the pharaoh Khufu, also known as Cheops by the Greeks.

And March 2007, Houdini advanced the theory that the pyramid was built from the inside out using an internal spiral path, instead of external lines as has been believed by many people.

According to Houdini, the front room where the user gets is based on the existence of a similar room in the Pyramid Snefru, father of Khufu. Therefore, most likely the same design was also used in the Pyramids of Giza.

In addition , the beams were located on the south wall of the king's room at the Pyramids of Giza indicated a suspected abandoned road leading to the secret room and used the funeral participants as a way out of the pyramid

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