Selasa, 14 Januari 2014

11 Interesting Facts about the Nile River

11 Interesting Facts about the Nile River
You may have heard the saying that Egypt is the " gift of the Nile " .

The phrase that makes sense because it would be difficult occupied Egypt without the presence of the Nile .

Nile still continues to flood the land of Egypt with a black sedimentary deposits . The Egyptians call these sediments as " Ar " which means " black " .

The Nile gets its name from the Semitic word " Nahal " , later named " Neilos " meaning river valley .

The Egyptians called the Nile just as the " river of life " for giving life not only for Egypt but also for the growth of culture and civilization .

Ancient Egyptian civilization evolved around the fertile banks of the Nile so as to allow the cultivation of various crops to support the growth of civilization .

The river is also a major source of water for the whole of Egypt .

Interesting facts about the River Nile

Here are a variety of interesting facts about the Nile :

1 . Nile come from Burundi which lies south of the equator and then flows to the north , across Africa and eventually empties into the Mediterranean Sea .

2 . Nile is one of the longest rivers in the world . The first river is considered the longest , but recent studies have shown that the Amazon River may be longer than the Nile . Nile has a length of about 6,695 km and has two creeks .

3 . Only 22 % of the river that passes through Egypt . Other countries also passed the Nile is Sudan , Burundi , Ethiopia , Zaire , Kenya , Uganda , Rwanda , and Tanzania .

4 . Cities in Egypt including the Nile through Cairo , Khartoum , Gondokoro , Aswan , Karnak , Thebes , and Alexandria.

5 . The Nile has two tributaries namely the Blue Nile and the White Nile . Nile water volume are mostly found in the Blue Nile contributes more than 50 % of the total volume of water .
White Nile is called so because it appears whitish due to the mud . White Nile comes from Lake Victoria and the Blue Nile comes from Lake Tana in Ethiopia . Both of these creeks merge into one in Sudan and continue heading north .

6 . The main tributary of the White Nile are the Bahr al Ghazal and the Sobat River .

7 . Source of the Nile is still debated . Most people agree that the source of this river is Lake Victoria is the largest lake in Africa .
However , further observations showed that on the north side of the lake there is a waterfall called Ripon Falls that has a small hole where the Nile water should come .
But this can not be the fact that strong because there are many rivers that flow into Lake Victoria .
Until finally , the Kagera River and its tributaries are called Ruvubu residing in Burundi is considered as the source of the Nile .

8 . Nile also plays an important role in the construction of the Pyramids . Stone blocks used for pyramids , the possibility transported to the site via the Nile .

9 . In addition to the gift he brought , the Nile also could provide a major flood disaster that sank at once to soak residential and agricultural land .
To that end , the government of Egypt to build the Aswan dam to control floods caused by raging Nile .

10 . Aswan Dam is located across the River Nile in Aswan , Egypt . A new dam called the High Dam was built between 1960 and 1970 .
The dam had a significant impact on the economy and culture of Egypt .
Both the dam and flood mitigation works to help protect agricultural land , especially the cotton crop .

11 . Nile is home to species of deadly crocodile who lives at the edge of the river .

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