Selasa, 14 Januari 2014

China World Trade Greatest Players?

China has overtaken the United States

China World Trade Greatest Players?
The atmosphere at the Beijing Capital International Airport, China.

The latest data showed China's trade volume in December last year was U.S. $ 389.8 billion, a record monthly . Reported by Forbes , Monday, January 13, 2014 , Chinese exports accounted spectacular revenue , which reached U.S. $ 207.7 billion .

" It is very likely , China has overtaken the United States to become the country with the world's largest merchandise trade in 2013 for the first time , " said Zheng Yuesheng , a spokesman for the General Administration of Customs of China .

Last year , the Bamboo Curtain country 's trade performance was indeed impressive . For the first time , China's trade nearly U.S. $ 4 trillion .

Throughout 2013 , China's exports reached U.S. $ 2.21 trillion . China's imports also rose to U.S. $ 1.95 trillion . The increase of 7.6 per cent in total trade of China is nearing the trade growth target of 8 percent this year .

" Last year was an important milestone for the development of our foreign trade , " Zheng added .

Some believe the trade data released by Beijing , although some time ago there was a rumor fictitious export transaction data in the past year .

An analyst said that , if the actual export data are reported , although the number is reduced , the Chinese remain more superior than the United States .

China's Ministry of Commerce in 2013 released the monthly trade figures , China's trade more than U.S. $ 250 billion in the United States .

So , how bad the Chinese trade statistics ? Economists , when discussing the reliability of the data last year , always suspect in January-April exports to Hong Kong , which although part of the People's Republic of China , but legally separated for customs purposes .

Data reported China Customs said exports to Hong Kong's contribution of 57.2 percent . These conditions give rise to suspicion of fraudulent transactions to cover capital inflows into China .

In the four months , the data was mentioned , the flow of hot money into China from investors increased . The funds were rotated in order to get cash in a rising yuan and higher interest rates .

This will contribute to the distortion of trade data that triggered the action of transfer of funds by speculators , because of the regulatory loopholes that can be exploited .

At the same time , according to the data , exporters alleged fraud value-added tax ( VAT ) by showing fake documents exports to Hong Kong . However , no one has ever mentioned false export to Hong Kong for four months less than U.S. $ 250 billion .

Global Financial Integrity, the company's research and advocacy non-profit , comparing statistical data of China and Hong Kong and found that China's exports to Hong Kong in the first quarter of last year , as the data reported by Beijing , was U.S. $ 54.6 billion . This data is greater than the import data of Hong Kong to China , as reported by Hong Kong in the same period .

Although Chinese authorities crack down on fake invoices report it , but the difference data in the second quarter of last year was also great .

Apparently, the research firm said , in the first half of last year , a total of U.S. $ 93 billion illegally enter China through fake invoices involving export to Hong Kong .

Fictitious exports to Hong Kong in the first half of last year is not yet over. Fraudulent transactions appeared back in early July .

Reuters proclaimed the unexpected exports in September alleged flow of hot money of U.S. $ 16 billion , and in October found the illegal transfer of U.S. $ 24 billion .

Although the data export growth in December was disappointing , with only 4.3 percent , but the data it needs to be re-examined , given that exports jumped very high when compared to December 2012 .

The problem extends
China's export of fake resurrection after the crackdown in May showed the problem was widespread . Supervision of the value of the Chinese currency is not strictly conform to those determined to move money into the country .

Chinese statistics are distorted by false export documents also cause China continues to take money from them . China Customs official launch data . Zheng even specifically defended the statistical data of China's exports to Hong Kong .

That means Beijing trade figures in 2013, it should be suspected ketidaktelitiannya . Public is now awaiting data gross domestic product ( GDP ) which is due to be officially launched China National Bureau of Statistics of China on January 20, 2014 .

Because China Customs refused to restate the valid Chinese trade figures . The only way to understand China's trade position is to cross-check with the countries trading partner of China .

Variants would have been much greater , not only with Hong Kong . Previously , China reported exports to South Korea increased by 5.7 percent in 2012 . In fact , South Korea launched the data that imports from China during the year declined 6.8 percent .

A note here is , many South Korean trade with China does not pass through the southern port of Hong Kong .

Zheng in the end it may be true that the Chinese dominate world trade . However , currently , there is no enough information to verify what she claims to be .

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