Selasa, 14 Januari 2014

NASA Successfully Images 'Hand of God'

Cosmic ' hand of God ' is shown when a star explodes .

NASA Successfully Images 'Hand of God'

Religion and astronomy is often overlap and are not in line . However , X - ray images captured telescope U.S. space agency ( NASA ) newest resemble ' hand of God ' .
Regardless of the appearance of ' supernatural ' , portraits called ' hand of God ' that is produced from natural astrophysical phenomena . Cosmic ' hand of God ' that appears when a star explodes and throws a large cloud containing material , as quoted from page January 9, 2014 edition .
The energy that came out of this phenomenon was later captured by the Nuclear Spectroscopic Telescope Array ( NuSTAR ) NASA is able to capture high- energy X - rays , about 7 to 25 kiloelektron volts ( keV ) . Of the cloud material , NuSTAR blue image capture .

Meanwhile, the Chandra X - ray Observatory NASA captures image of green and red . Chandra X - ray Observatory is able to capture the low- energy X - ray ranging from 0.5 to 2 keV .

" NuSTAR unique viewpoint - in the X - ray energy is high - shows us objects and regions that have been studied, all of them in a new light , " explains researcher NuSTAR , Fiona Harrison .

Quoted from the NASA home page , the new image shows a pulsar , which is a rapidly spinning neutron star which is spewing energy into space and surroundings . This creates a complex and interesting structures , including a large cosmic hand shaped .
Pulsar PSR B1509 was later named in short B1509 - 58 which rotates 7 times per second and winds containing particles during the throes of dying . Researchers suspect , Pulsar is now aged 17 thousand and is located about 17,000 light-years away .

Over time , these particles interact with the magnetic field around them and created the X-ray light in the shape of a hand . Pulsar itself is located at the point of white light in the picture above . While the appearance of the red image on the fingers form a separate structure called RCW 89 .

Researchers are not sure exactly what the material or throw  particle interactions are then formed in such hands . " We do not even know if it's just the hand forms an optical illusion , " said Hongjun An of McGill University in Montreal .
' Hand of God ' is one example of pareidolia , a psychological phenomenon in which people tend to perceive familiar shapes in the image blurry or fuzzy . Other pareidolia can be shaped animals or faces in clouds , the man in the moon shape .

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