Minggu, 12 Januari 2014

Every Hours, Thousands of Users Yahoo Esophageal Malware

Every Hours, Thousands of Users Yahoo Esophageal Malware
The last few days , ad server malware attacks approached Yahoo who also threaten their security systems . As a result of the attack , thousands of users in a number of countries fall victim .

In his blog , cyber security watchdog , Fox - IT , said the attack appeared via Yahoo ads that look like ads as official . " Clients who visit Yahoo.com to accept ads from ads.yahoo.com link , some of which contain malware , " they wrote , as reported by CNN , Monday, January 6, 2014 .

The Dutch Institute estimates that thousands of people stricken with malware per hour . " The level of infection reached 9 percent , every hour 27 thousand users were affected, " they wrote , as quoted by CNN , Monday, January 6, 2014 .

Countries with the highest number of casualties is Romania , United Kingdom , and France . But not explained in detail why Yahoo users in the three countries most affected .

Not clear who was behind the stunt. Fox - IT related assault estimate the background of economic motivation .

Losses against malware that infected users can access and hackers breaking into servers . Yahoo's immediately tightened and blocked a number of ads .

" We gave a serious security for users . We filter out ads that do not conform to standards or malware detected , particularly in Europe . Next we will remove the ads , " Yahoo said in a statement .

They ensure the attack does not occur in the Asia-Pacific region , North America , and Latin America . " Users accessing Yahoo via Mac and mobile devices certainly not under threat . "

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