Sabtu, 11 Januari 2014

Mysteries behind the making of the Pyramids in Egypt

At the time of the Great Pyramid in Giza Egypt is built, if it is based on the state of the labor pyramid and set it up, Archaeologists estimate the Egyptians when it reached 50 million people...
PYRAMID estimated was built around the year 3000 BC, a new world where the population of about 20 million people...
If the entire population of the world in the year 3000 BC, collected in Egypt ... there are still 30 million people a mysterious...
Who are the mysterious 30 million people?? ? ?
There are at least two theories....

Mysteries behind the making of the Pyramids in Egypt

1. The 30 million people, ALIEN from another planet...
UFO (Aircraft ALIEN) and Ancient Egypt
The oldest report on the plane from outer space landed on Earth is derived from the 15th century BC , which is on an ancient Egyptian writings ( papyrus ) which is part of the diary of King Thutmosis III ( 1504-1450 BC ) which is the largest Egyptian king in the past with his territory until the river Euphrates and Sudan .
The report occurs in one of the conquest expeditions that led directly , where the journey Thutmosis III rise fire see a circle in the sky with a length of about 1 rod or ± 5 meters without a sound and growing slowly pours to the sky high rise and disappear in the darkness night ...

Mysteries behind the making of the Pyramids in Egypt

2. Pyramids built, much earlier than expected...
It is estimated that thousands of years ago, Egypt was inhabited a nation that has high technology. Society is then destroyed, when the global flood on earth (Noah Disaster).
Through the former was affected (erosion) on the surface of the body of the Sphinx, scientist’s estimate that the period of manufacture may be earlier, at least 10 thousand years ago before Christ.
A scholar John Washeth also argued: That the giant pyramids and Sphinx near neighbors which, when compared with building the kingdom to - 4 the other, completely different, the Sphinx could have been built in more ancient times.
In his book “Snakes Space”, John Washeth argued: cultural development Egypth maybe not come from the flow of the Nile, but from early cultures.
Rubich Swalle mathematician in “The Holy Science” shows: in the year 11,000 BC, Egyptians must have been having a great culture. At that time the Sphinx was there, it can be seen, on the body Sphinx obviously no trace of erosion. It is estimated that as a result of the devastating floods in the year 11,000 BC.

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