Future cars, without engines, without Transmission

The research field of automotive technology are always looking for ways to make cars more effective, environmentally friendly, and better. Not only in terms of energy consumption, spare parts, wheels, up to collaboration with other gadgets.

Facts About South Pole

Pole is the name of two extreme regions on earth. One is located at the southern tip of the Antarctic earth. And the second, located in the northern hemisphere called the Arctic. The name Antarctica comes from the Greek.

Down the World's Longest River Underground

Puerto Princessa is famous underground river in the Philippines, which is located approximately 50 kilometers from the city of Puerto Princessa, Palawan, Philippines. This river landscape features made of limestone mountains along the 8.2 kilometers. This river is the longest underground river in the world.

World Oil Prices Continue to Decline

World oil prices declined in relatively quiet trading on Thursday ( 01/16/2014 ) local time (Friday morning GMT ), due to OPEC estimates that the demand of the producer cartel would fall as a result of the increase in U.S. production.

Indonesia, The Lost Continent of Atlantis

Greatest controversies in the history of human civilization , it seems now beginning to unfold. Continent of Atlantis as mentioned Plato, the Greek philosopher, in his book Timaeus and Critias about 2500 years ago, from the standpoint of geological and scientific speculation today, it is probably the Sunda Land, which we now know as Western Indonesia ( Java, Sumatra, and Borneo ) to peninsular Malaysia and Thailand.

Senin, 03 Maret 2014

Vertical Axis Wind Turbine and Using Solar Power

Vertical Axis Wind Turbine

There are two different types of wind turbine; Vertical and Horizontal. Each one performs their own function and they each of their advantages and their disadvantages. You should pick the one that is best for you and your needs. They do have one thing in common and that is that they produce energy from winds. They just do it in a different way. Vertical axis turbine has the main rotor shaft running vertically instead of horizontally. This direction can have its advantages and disadvantages. The advantage is the gearbox can be put in the bottom of the turbine, unlike the horizontal turbines. All the weight is not at the top of the tower.

It also does not need to be pointed in the direction of the wind. The disadvantages of vertical axis wind turbines is that there can be pulsating torques that can happen during each turn when the turbine is running in the same direction as the wind. They produce a smaller amount of energy from the wind.

Different Types of Vertical Axis Wind Turbines Windmill with a rotation sail. This type of turbine is the newest out there as it looks like sails on a ship once it is up and running. The sails can expand or contract to the changing winds. There is three sails on it and the speed is managed through magnetic counter that expands or contracts these vertical sails. It has a control unit that will help to control the sails so the damage will be minimal. The sails might tear but the frame is durable and will last through the storms.

Aerodynamic turbine is made up of airfoil base that is designed to capture the kinetic energy flowing from an artificial current to the center. It can utilize most of the air mass that passes through by redirecting it over the upper turbines. It can respond to wind and also rivers, creeks, oceans or other free flowing water systems.

Darrieus Wind Turbines are efficient but because of their size and shape they can produce cyclic stress on the tower which can wear it out sooner. It features three blades that work well in higher winds. They are held up by external structures that are connected from the ground up.

Giromill is a type of meal that features three vertical blades. It is self starting so the maintenance is low. These types of mills a low blade speed but they can create a high performance and success in channeling the energy from every turn of the blade.

Savonius Wind Turbine mills have two scoops that are used for wind conversion. Some do come in three scoops that make it self starting. They look like long helicopter blades that are bent in a direction. This style and shape is to provide enough energy to be adequate.

Windstar Turbines has straight aluminum blades that are attached on each end of the rotating shaft. This windmill features more than one rotor and they each have their own dual braking system that has pneumatic disc brakes. They are designed for strong powerful winds.

The advantages to running a vertical axis wind turbine is that they are easier to maintain and reduce cost, can withstand almost all wind, low high, smaller and easier to transport. The disadvantages are they take twice as much time to produce efficient energy from winds, need to be installed on flat land, low starting torque, some models use guyed wires which can add stress to the bottom. The design and the preference of the consumer make the best choice when it comes to choosing the right one for you.

When you think of solar power you think of heating and light for your home. That is one of the many things that we use solar power for. Solar power is everywhere and it is growing everyday. There are different products that are made using solar power. This article will list these products and their uses and also how solar power affects them. Solar power is using the sun’s natural heat to produce electricity, heat, and more. When you use solar power you are using the natural resources found that cannot harm the earth in ways that other methods can.

There are more products that use solar power than what we realize. A lot of the electronics made will use some type of solar power in order to function completely and accurately. For example, calculators are solar power products. These calculators may or may not have on and off switches. Some rely on the solar panel completely in order to stay or turn off. Solar power calculators need a certain amount of light inside the solar panel in order to turn the calculator on and perform what you want it to do; add, subtract, divide, multiply and more. The solar panel in a calculator is not as big as the one that you would to power your home. The size needed for a calculator is adjusted before installation to provide the right amount of what it needs. Solar power products can be found in travel products, outdoor recreation, safety products, emergency products and more.

Radios have are produced with a solar panel inside that transforms the sunlight into energy allowing you to listen to your radio while you are outside. You may also find solar power in flashlights, battery chargers, mobile phone chargers, watches, lanterns, emergency products such as sirens and lights. As you see there are several products that are using the solar power technology. Portable chargers are great to use because they charge the product that you have using the sunlight just as easy as turning a calculator on. Camping equipment and supplies work well with solar power because it allows the sunlight during the day to supply their lanterns, flashlights and radios at night.

Cooking outdoors can also be done by using solar power in order to heat the element that will ignite and allow for even cooking. Because more people are turning to solar power for their future energy source there are companies that are marketing products that are produced using solar power. Appliances are being made for solar power homes. These appliances, refrigerators, stoves, dishwashers, and more will work great in a home that is generated by solar power. They are built to conserve energy even more so than the products available to everyone.

In the future when everything turns to solar power in order to work we will be prepared using the knowledge and the products that are available today. We can’t predict the future in solar power but we can all do our best to make it happen.

Senin, 03 Februari 2014

Getting more British Intelligence Agency

Getting more British Intelligence Agency
Security Service, or MI5 is known as one of the intelligence agencies that specifically deal with the problem in England. In cooperation with the Secret Intelligence Service ( SIS ), or MI6, Government Communications Headquarters ( GCHQ ), the M15 also plays an important role in maintaining security in the United Kingdom and abroad, especially from the aspect of Intelligence.

A. A Brief History of Security Service
MI5 rather stand in October 1909 which was originally formed with the aim of combating espionage operations ( foreign intelligence activity in other countries ) Germany in the UK. Giving the name MI5 began in April 1914, when the War Affairs section of the Directorate of Military Operations section which is the forerunner of MI5 turns into M - 05. A few months later, precisely September 1916, M - 05 renamed MI5 ( which is a military intelligence ).
MI 5 proven effective in combating the threats coming from outside, for example the success dismantle the German spy network in Britain during the First World War took place. About thirty five spies were arrested even executed , imprisoned and exiled.
During the period leading up to World War II, MI5 faced an increased threat of espionage escalation coming from the Soviet Union and Germany through the threat of communist and fascist subversion. When it comes to the situation of internal MI5 namely shortage of human resources for 1929. Occur year decline in the number of staff from 844 officers to 12 people. However, a shortage of personnel is not a bottleneck in the performance of duties and responsibilities of MI5 who was held by Sir Vernon Kell.
In the same year, MI5 changed its name to the Defense Security Service, and last approximately 2 years. The Defense Security Service, re- experiencing the turn of the new name is the Security Service, which is still in use. 1931, the Security Service was given authority and responsibility, in analyzing security threats from terrorist groups Irish English , Irish Republican Army ( IRA ) and anarchism, which is also the responsibility of the police.
The period of World War II, the Security Service plays an important role in combating the threat of espionage, communication interception Germany and spreading disinformation to Germany. Security Service agents have uncovered the identity of the enemy is settled in the UK, some of them successfully recruited back to work with to be a double agent. The task of a double agent at the time, was instrumental in spreading disinformation to the Germans, such as the deployment of military strategy, or so-called system of " Double Cross ". Double cross system is most effective in smoothing the successful landing of allied troops in Normandy, or event known as D - Day in June 1944 ( Agent Garbo 's success in Operation Fortitude ).
In May 1940, the Chairman of the Security Service , Sir Vernon Kell dismissed the Prime Minister, Winston Churchill, and was replaced by Brigadier Oswald " Jasper ' Harker , who later, in April 1941, replaced Sir David Petrie. Under the leadership of Sir David, Security Service shows its greatest achievement , namely espionage against Germany.
After the year 1945, after the capture of several German agents, Security Service learning some activity records, and the records of the results, it was found almost around 115 German agents or more, successfully infiltrated into the UK. Security Service also succeeded in the identification of such agents, and subsequently arrested and treated without going through the trial process, unless the agent who had committed suicide before he was arrested. In the first period of 6 months, approximately 64 thousand foreigners from Germany, Austria and Italy who settled in the UK has undergone the inspection process through interviews and stated that they were " friends with allies ". In a further development, suspected Nazi sympathies England as Sir . Oswald Mosley was imprisoned for alleged subversive activities in the country UK.
Post World War II, the Security Service tried to broaden his perspective and seeks to dominate the effect for a period of 30 years into the future, by utilizing the ideological conflict between the Soviet bloc and the Western democracies. Soviet subversion and espionage used as an entrance form work areas Security Service since world war, and when it enters 1970, the Security Service uses the issue of terrorism in order to become a common concern in the fight against serious threats to national security.
Changes focus on the wane subversion, since entering the era of the 1990s, which was marked by the collapse of the communist bloc. Expanding spectrum of threats, the Security Service was also faced with the threat of attacks by the IRA continued and increasingly large, concentrated in Northern Ireland and the UK mainland. In addition, the Security Service also have to fight international terrorism is growing back rapidly in some areas of the world. Subsequently, in October 1992, the Security Service in control and responsible in dealing with terrorism in Northern Ireland and the UK mainland which had previously been the responsibility of the UK Metropolitan Police. The presence of more authority, not directly exclude liability Police Service of Northern Ireland ( formerly the Royal Ulster Constabulary ) are still given the same authority in dealing with terrorist groups in Northern Ireland.
Up to now, the Security Service still has chores such as long- term intelligence operations against foreign terrorism related to Northern Ireland. The operation has been initiated during the period of 1970-1980 's. Security Service also was recorded performance by gaining a good name in front of the British public, around the mid-1990 's, a number of members of the Security Service was able to prove that the experiment will be carried out acts of terrorism IRA group.
Intelligence Service Act passed in 1994, further strengthens the legal basis and operational activities of the Security Service are also bridging the birth of the Intelligence and Security Committee. Two years later, returned the Security Service Act was amended to mandate the provision of more space for the Security Service to assist other law enforcement agencies to combat serious crime.

B. Organizational Development Security Service
Security Service, or MI5, a domestic security intelligence agency UK, which since its inception has duties in combating the threat posed by both surface and hidden to national security. Security Service is also responsible for giving security advice to other agencies, and assist in overcoming the threat of development.
Security Service headed by the Director General, Jonathan Evans, located in Thames House, London. Security Service has 8 regional offices spread throughout the UK, and additional offices in Ireland serve as a representative office. Security Service oversees seven fields, each responsible for a part of each task, such as terrorism, espionage, proliferation of weapons of mass destruction, a serious crime, subversion.
Security Service also plays other important activities in combating terrorist activities and foreign intelligence. Late in 1990, Security Service began issuing historical files in the National Archives, to meet the needs of public information for the world Security Service, ranging from evolution, historical events up to experience the famous case of members of the intelligence in the late 20th century.
11 September 2001 attacks in the United States became the turning point of the Security Service to fight against terrorism can strike at any time the UK. Events of 9/11 proves that the terrorists have the will and ability to kill in large numbers. After the international terrorist attacks, in February 2004, the British government announced to provide assistance to the Security Service to improve its performance related eradication of terrorism.
Security Service is also committed to increasing the number of personnel based on the situation of the increasing need for information related to the development of the case. After the attacks of 11 September 2001, The Joint Terrorism Analysis Center ( JTAC ) was formed as an observer and study center in a report on the threat of international terrorism. The organization as a form of representative departments and other agencies, located in Thames House, side by side with the Security Service office.
Speaking about the activities and operations of the legal umbrella Security Service, based on the Security Service Act 1989. The law regulates the function and provide counter the authority responsible for any incoming threat. Under the Security Service Act 1989, the functions of the Security Service, among others :
1. Protect national security and counter threats from espionage, terrorism and sabotage, foreign intelligence activities and also activities that aim to disrupt or overthrow parliamentary democracy political, industrial and other unrest.
2. Maintaining economic growth in order to run well against the threat activity or desire for someone coming from outside the UK who wish to disrupt or damage the national economy.
3. Supporting activities of the police and other law enforcement agencies in the prevention and detection of serious crime cases follow.
In a democratic order, security agencies in the country should be free from politics and accountable. MI5 Act mandates the authority under Secretary of State, who has the right of reply in Parliament or in the Security Service. Act also mandates the responsibility of the Director General / Chief who led MI5 to carry out their duties must be free of any political party interests.

Minggu, 02 Februari 2014

Ways To Use Solar Power For Heat

We have become accustomed to turning a dial or pushing a button in order to have heat. These ways are nice but they may be inconvenient as well. Heating homes, schools or businesses with solar energy is not only easy but cost effective as well. There are several ways that we can capture the sun’s heat even in winter times. In order to capture the sun’s heat you need a solar source. This source can be something that will attract the sun rays but trap the heat from it when it enters the source. A good example is a sunroom.

These rooms are attached to a home or a building and are constructed of glass panels from the floor to the ceiling. It is usually facing the morning sun in order to get the full affect of the heat. When the sun shines into the room the glass allows the sunrays heat the furniture and everything in the room. These areas become the source that holds the heat in so that it will not escape back out of the glass. This type of heating is natural and can be very efficient if it is constructed correctly.

Other forms of solar power heat are:

Thermal mass that absorbs and holds in the heat. It traps and holds heat while the sun is shining and disperses the heat when the sun goes down.

Trombe Wall is a natural solar heating and ventilation system that uses air channels to hold the heat between a glass object and a thermal mass that is facing the sun. The sunlight gets trapped and stored inside this wall and is then circulated though vents and the top and the bottom of the wall. The wall radiates the heat.

Transpired collector is also a wall that is used facing the sun. The wall absorbs the sunlight and heats the air when it enters into the ventilation system.

Solar Cooling is a great way to ventilate a building. It absorbs the solar heat and cools it making ice with a solar powered steam engine that is attached to a cooling device.

Solar Chimney is also a solar ventilation system. It is made of a thermal mass that is hollow inside. The chimney will warm the air inside the chimney and causing the heat to rise. The rise allows the air to circulate and vent properly.

There are several ways that we can provide heating and cooling to our homes, businesses, buildings or other structures that need to be heated. The ways listed above are by using all natural material that will pay off in the long run when you have heat using the sun and not an artificial heating source that may be produced by non-renewable resources. We all need heat no matter what. We need to find out what ways we can save the heat from the day to keep our house warm at night. Not only does it work for heating but also cooling as well.

Jumat, 31 Januari 2014

Know The Australian Intelligence Agency

Know The Australian Intelligence Agency
Australian Security Intelligence Service ( ASIS )
The Australian Secret Intelligence Service ( ASIS ) is the Australian Government's intelligence agency in charge of gathering foreign intelligence and counterintelligence tasks. Its presence is set in the Intelligence Service Act of 2001, which united the Australian Intelligence Community ( AIC ).

A. History of the Australian Security Intelligence Service ( ASIS )

The Australian Secret Intelligence Service ( ASIS ) was formed on May 13, 1952. ASIS responsible for collecting foreign intelligence information, especially in the Asia Pacific region. For more than 20 years, despite the existence of ASIS remain confidential to members of the Australian government.
Based Intelligence Service Act of 2001, ASIS role in generating intelligence derived from human sources that are outside the country. Currently, work areas ASIS related to foreign affairs and responsible to the Minister of Foreign Affairs of Australia.

ASIS is Australia's secret service who serves as a liaison with foreign intelligence services to foreign relations in the interests of national security and economic well-being of Australia. ASIS also serves as an antidote to a foreign intelligence service that threaten Australia's national interest. ASIS work side by side and have strong ties with members of the Australian intelligence community / Australian Intelligence Community (AIC). Ties and communication is coordinated with the activities of the intelligence activities in accordance with government requirements.
Currently, ASIS is led by Director General / General is appointed by the Governor -General. Director General / General is responsible to the Secretary of State that regulates ASIS and provide advice relating to ASIS. According to the law, the Director General is the only one known to the public. Nick Warner designated as Director General of ASIS since August 17, 2009, prior to December 2006, served as Secretary of Defense.
ASIS mission is to maintain and support the vital interests through the provision of Australia 's foreign intelligence agency established by the Australian government. The values developed in the performance of ASIS include diversity, following the change and encourage new ideas and innovation. Some values ASIS include the best service, trust and responsibility , innovation and courage, unity and loyalty.
The main goal is to obtain and distribute ASIS intelligence information on the capabilities, intentions and activities of a person or organization who is outside Australia which may have an impact on the government's interest and welfare of the population of Australia.
The ASIS tasks as follows :
1 . Finding relevant information intelligence capabilities, intentions or activities of people or organizations outside Australia.
2 . Communicate and distribute intelligence information in accordance with government requirements.
3 . Conducting counter intelligence
4 . As a liaison with foreign intelligence services, security services and the authorities of other countries.

B. Organizational Structure of the Australian Security Intelligence Service ( ASIS )

ASIS has a closeness with the Australian Intelligence Community ( AIC ) to ship products throughout the report to the Australian government agency. ASIS run a bigger part of the body that are members of the intelligence community and has a close relationship with the like bodies and bonding over the intelligence agencies of other countries.
The Australian Intelligence Community consists of 6 intelligence service which has the functions and responsibilities of different, including :
1. Office of National Assessments ( ONA )
Directly responsible to the Prime Minister of Australia. ONA is responsible for providing all sources estimate about international political, strategic and economic development to the prime minister, the national security committee of cabinet ministers and high officials in government departments. ONA is also responsible for coordinating and evaluating Australia's intelligence activities overseas.
2. Australian Security Intelligence Organisation ( ASIO )
ASIO main task is to collect intelligence information and produce intelligence products that are used as an early warning to the government about activities or situations that may threaten Australia's national security . ASIO focused on the issue of terrorism and everything politically motivated acts of violence as well as a spy or anything that may threaten the interests of Australia . ASIO does not conduct an investigation into the actions of protest against the law or a pure criminal act.
Function Other ASIO is to provide an analysis of the security situation and to collect foreign intelligence information in Austalia. Foreign intelligence information may include information regarding the capabilities, intentions and activities of foreign intelligence.
3. Defence Signals Directorate ( DSD )
Is part of the Department of Defense and members of the Australian Intelligence community. DSD Responsible for collecting, analyzing and distributing indication of foreign intelligence and national authorities have in communication systems and computer network security system the Australian government.
The main task of DSD is against international crime and terrorism, and provide support to military operations, and to protect the computer networks owned by the Australian government.
4. Defence Intelligence Organisation ( DIO )
Duty to support the defense policy-making and to help plan and organize the defense of the Australian government operations. DIO is responsible for military intelligence estimates, focused on global security, terrorism, economic resilience, the ability of military, science and technology. DIO role in providing and giving advice at the national level.
5. Defence Imagery and Geospatial Organisation ( DIGO )
Is a geospatial and imagery intelligence organization under the Ministry of Defence of Australia. DIGO serve to get geospatial intelligence information such as imagery and other sources to support the defense of the national interest of Australia.
The tasks DIGO by Intelligence Services Act 2001 ( ISA ) as follows :
Obtain geospatial and imagery intelligence information to the capabilities, intentions, and activities of residents and organizations located outside Australia in accordance with government requirements.
Obtain geospatial and imagery intelligence information in accordance with the operational objectives, the training and the needs of the Australian armed forces.
Obtain geospatial and imagery intelligence information with the aim to support the commonwealth and state authorities to maintain Australia's national interest.
Communicating the need to obtain intelligence information in accordance with government requirements.

Unique, Bra Detect 'True Love'

Unique, Bra Detect 'True Love'
Finding true love is certainly not easy. But in fact the presence of technology is now able to help the weaker sex to find true love right and according to his dream, for example by using the help of a sophisticated bra.
This bra can function as a selection tool while securing its true love of various acts of harassment. Sensors mounted on the advanced bra can detect its heartbeat.

The data captured by the sensor in the form of its heart rate was then sent to a special application installed on the phone. Well, the application is in charge of analyzing the heart rate that beats in the chest of women who wear them.

And incredibly, when you find someone that feels 'right' heart rate will automatically have a different rate. When it reaches a predetermined threshold bra hooks will then detached by itself.

As reported by Rocket News, bra tester true love is claimed as the world's first underwear scientifically engineered to women so that they can actually read the signals in the body.

Bra sophisticated detection of true love is the result of development of a Japanese company, Ravijour. The slogan 'We will do whatever it takes for the needs of women' that have made this company does not expect the fair sex wrong step in choosing a partner.


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